Primobolan 100 Dragon Pharma INTL

Primobolan 100 Dragon Pharma INTL

Dragon Pharma International

In Stock

  • Manufacturer : Dragon Pharma International
  • Raw Material : Methenolone Enanthate
  • Product Pack : 10 mL vial (100 mg/mL)


Manufactured by Dragon Pharma, Primo is composed of methenolone enanthate. It is an anabolic androgen derived from dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It comes as an injectable solution and it is available in 10ml vial and 100mg/ml packaging with an international delivery service. Primo was first introduced in the market for medical treatments like anemia resulting from bone marrow failure. However, this drug became a good option for bodybuilders and athletes to utilize its ability for their own steroid cycles by stacking it as a secondary steroid in the bulking and cutting cycles. You can combine this drug with various other anabolic androgens like Dianabol, Winstrol, Decan, Masteron, Anavar, Clenbuterol, T3, or Anadrol. Only then it is going to show you impactful results that will aid your performance. Individuals who have pre-existing health issues must check in with a health expert to see how the drug reacts with the body and whether it is suitable for their unique body goals. Since this drug is intramuscularly injected, it is highly essential to consult a healthcare practitioner to help you administer the dosage.


When Primo is stacked up with other steroids, it accelerates the other steroids in the cycle and shows the following benefits:

  • Lean Muscle Mass Growth 

  • Increase Stamina

  • Increase Fat Loss

  • Boosts Immunity

  • Enhance Strength 

  • Performance Enhancement

  • Prevent Muscle Wasting

  • Protein Synthesis


The recommended dosage for beginners is 100-150 per week starting off with a low dosage of 100mg and then gradually increasing it to reach 150mg per week. However, professional users tend to increase their dosage to 200mg to 400 mg per week depending on their tolerance levels, unique body goals, and the other steroids in the cycle. Female users are advised to take 50 to 100mg per week, however, results can still be achieved under 25 to 75mg dose per day.


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