Gen-Shi Labs International
Clomid 50 is a popular post-cycle therapy or PCT drug that is manufactured by Gen-Shi Labs International to help bodybuilders and athletes retain their natural testosterone levels after completing a steroid cycle. It is a selective estrogen receptor modulator or SERM that is responsible for controlling estrogen levels in steroid users during and after a steroid cycle.
It is an FDA approved drug and has a long history in the medical field as it has been used to treat infertility in women since 1960. Over time, bodybuilders and athletes start recognizing its potential for aiding testosterone recovery after a steroid cycle and using it as a post-cycle therapy drug to recover fast and preserve their muscle mass.
Clomid 50 by Genshi Labs is an oral medication, making it easy to administer and eliminates the need for needles, which can be a barrier for some users. The best platform to get it in legit form and at a fair price is UGFreak, a reliable online store. At this store, the price of 100 tabs, 50mg/tab is $ 70 only.
The major and most appealing benefit of Clomid 50 is that it can stimulate the pituitary gland to produce more luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which are essential for natural testosterone production. In a way, it helps users retain their natural testosterone levels after completing a steroid cycle.
It is also known for its role in preventing estrogenic side effects. It acts as an anti-estrogen by blocking estrogen receptors in specific tissues, preventing estrogen-related effects like gynecomastia.
It also enhances muscle retention after a steroid cycle by restoring natural testosterone and suppressing estrogen levels.
Clomid has been shown to enhance sperm production and quality, improving fertility outcomes for bodybuilders looking to maintain or recover reproductive health.
The exact dosage and duration depend on the specific needs of the user, the compounds used during the anabolic cycle, and individual recovery needs. It is usually recommended to start with a higher dosage such as 100 mg per day that can be lowered to 50 mg per day during 2-4 weeks.
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