Para Pharma US Domestic
Turinabol 20, manufactured by Para Pharma International is a renowned oral steroid with mild anabolic effect and low androgenic properties which makes it an ideal pick for those seeking effective solutions with zero or minimum side effects. It is commonly known as Tbol, particularly among the bodybuilding community, and is praised for its active role in promoting lean muscle mass and burning excessive fat.
It was first created in the 1960s to enhance the performance of Olympic athletes in East Germany as a part of the state-sponsored doping program. After the discovery of its potential to enhance muscle growth without causing any potential damage to athlete's health, water retention, and significant weight gain it quickly became popular among bodybuilders and athletes who are in weight-class sports.
Despite its success and potential benefits, Tbol was banned for non-medical uses because of the increasing risk of steroid abuse. However, you can buy it in legit form and at affordable rates from UGFreak, a reliable name in the world of bodybuilding steroids. It provides a pack of 100 tabs, 20 mg/tab for $ 80.
When consumed under medical supervision and followed by PCT, Turinabol can bring you the following benefits;
It is renowned for its ability to promote lean muscle growth without causing significant weight gain and other side effects.
One of the key advantages of Turinabol is that it doesn’t cause significant water retention. This makes it ideal for bodybuilders who want to achieve a dry, defined look without the bloated appearance that comes with some other anabolic steroids.
Its low androgenic properties make it a relatively safe steroid as compared to other similar steroids. It does not cause androgenic side effects like facial hair growth and gynecomastia.
Beginners are usually recommended to start with a lower dosage and never exceed the cycle limit because it is an oral steroid and taking it in higher amounts or for a long duration can cause severe health risks like liver toxicity.
A typical dosage for beginners is 20-40 mg per day while for intermediate users is 40-60 mg per day. Its cycle is usually short and lasts 6-8 weeks.
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