Dragon Pharma International
You must have heard of Methyl-1-Test in sports for aggression. This steroid is much more than that. It is one of the earlier steroids that had significant efficacy. It was medically prescribed to men with lower testosterone levels. However, its clinical use was terminated because it can hurt the liver.
Methyl-1-Test is called the super estrogen. It is more active than normal estrogen so you have to be extremely careful with its dosage. However, when it comes to the benefits, the Methyl-1-Test is great for building muscles.
Another commendable quality of Methyl-1-Test is that it gives you strength and endurance. If you are having a hard time keeping up with your bodybuilding goals, it is going to give you the power. You will feel more focused than before.
If you can’t seem to find a local guy who can provide you Methyl-1-Test, then you have come to the right place. UGFREAK brings high-quality Methyl-1-Test from popular manufacturer Dragon Pharma. It is available for international delivery so you can place your online freely. It will reach your doorsteps within 20 days.
You can take Methyl-1-Test with or without food. It is not recommended for females or if you are taking steroids for the first time. Its cycle must not exceed 8 weeks otherwise it can put your liver health at risk. 5 to 20 mg per day can be taken but be extra careful about GYN, water retention, acne, high blood pressure, and other side effects that come with this designer steroid.
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