Dragon Pharma International
Dianabol is composed of Methandrostenolone and it is
manufactured by Dragon Pharma. It is available in 50mg/tab, 100 tabs
packaging with an international delivery service to your doorstep. This drug was
first introduced for clinical purposes and was used by medical practitioners
for treating certain diseases. However, its medical use was soon discontinued
due to its serious side effects. It is an anabolic androgen that was used to
treat hypogonadism, post-menopausal osteoporosis, and pituitary deficient
dwarfism. Early on this drug became popular amongst bodybuilders and athletes as
it helped them in muscle building, physical endurance, and performance
enhancement. Back in the day, the quality of Dianabol was compromised which is
why it created a lot of side effects. Despite that, it had a lot of demand
because the drug gave sure-shot effective results. Today, quality versions of Dianabol are available such as the ones we are offering. Not only that,
Dianabol in combination with other anabolic steroids can boost the anabolic
activity in the body and unleash the maximum potential of the steroids.
Following are the benefits of Dianabol:
· Fat Burn
Quick Results
Increased Stamina and Energy
Super Effective Muscle Growth
Improved Overall Physical Performance
The recommended dosage for professional athletes is 30 to
40mg, however, some athletes can increase their dosage to 50mg which is highly
not recommended. It depends on their tolerance levels. For beginners, it is
recommended to start with the lowest dosage of 15mg per day and they can
increase their dosage as they start developing tolerance. Monitoring the impact
of the dosage on the body is important in order to increase or decrease the
dosage. Post-cycle therapy after every steroid cycle is mandatory for prolonged health and a career in bodybuilding.
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