Cialis Dragon Pharma INTL

Cialis Dragon Pharma INTL

Dragon Pharma International

In Stock

  • Manufacturer : Dragon Pharma International
  • Raw Material : Tadalafil
  • Product Pack : 20mg, 100 tabs


Cialis is composed of the component called tadalafil and it is produced by Dragon Pharma. It is available in 100 tabs of 20mg packaging with International delivery services. This steroid was used by medical practitioners for treating erectile dysfunction and symptoms of benign prostatic hypertrophy. The ability of this drug to increase blood flow to certain areas of the body intrigued the bodybuilders as it helped them in boosting their stamina during training. It is known to increase overall strength and stamina of athletes and stimulate muscle growth for better performance. Cialis can improve the quality of the muscles during bulking cycle and burn fat during cutting cycle which makes it a great option to stack it up with other anabolic steroids. It is important to consult an expert or an experienced individual to help you determine your ideal dosage for you.



The benefits of Cialis are:


·         Improved blood flow

·         Improved testosterone and estrogen ratio

·         Fuels energy for workouts

·         Improved sexual performance

·         Reduced inflammation in the body

·         Regulates a good blood pressure for those who experience highs and lows



The recommended dosage for Cialis is 20mg daily for the users who are taking it to fight the side effects of anabolic steroids. The users can divide the dosage to 10mg per day or 20mg every second day just in case the dose seems heavier for them to tolerate. Also make sure to consult an expert and get your blood work done because it will be an important factor into determining your ideal dosage.


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