Bodybuilding has become popular across the globe due to several reasons. The growing awareness about the use of steroids is one of the primary reasons behind its popularity. Now, people know they can use different supplements to get their dream body shape. Similarly, they are also well aware of the side effects of using different steroids and how to avoid them.

If you want to achieve a lean or muscular body, you can rely on steroids to get quick results. However, you need to pair them with an appropriate workout and diet plan. They will not only help you burn fat or gain muscles but improve overall performance as well.

However, the main concern is what steroids actually do to your body in actuality. To figure this out, you need to go through our before and after steroid use guide. It will help you analyze the changes they made to your body based on their nature and potential. Before you explore this guide, you must understand steroids.

What are Steroids?

Steroids are basically synthetic versions of the male sexual hormone, Testosterone. Different steroids are made by altering the original structure and attaching some new molecules. Based on their nature, different steroids behave differently.

They were first introduced to treat medical disorders such as cancer and sexual disorders. Later, bodybuilders started using them to gain muscles and burn fat, and now they are known for their bodybuilding purposes.

How Does Steroid Work?

Steroids aren’t some sort of magical component that enters your body and changes it overnight. Each supplement follows a specific mechanism to help you produce more Testosterone and improve muscle growth. Usually, they bind with androgen receptors present in different cells and tissues to enter the cell.

Then, they alter the specific DNA and mRNA sequences to promote protein synthesis. They also stimulate the release of Testosterone hormone, increasing its concentration in the body. As a result, your body starts developing more muscles. Increased metabolic activity will lead to fat burning as well.

Types of Steroids

To understand steroids before and after results, you must be aware of different types of steroids as they lead to different changes in your body. In the world of bodybuilding, the following are two main categories of steroids.

Bulking Supplements: They are primarily used to gain muscles at a rapid pace. Bodybuilders use them to get big muscles within a few weeks. They have to maintain high-calorie intake and manage extra meals along with these supplements to get the desired results.

Cutting Steroids: They are mainly used to get rid of extra fat from the body. Many bodybuilders and athletes use them to get shredded. When fat percentage is reduced, they become more active, and their performance improves. Bodybuilders use these steroids before competitions to reduce fat levels and put all their muscles on display.

Apart from that, different performance supplements are also available that help you improve your agility and boost energy levels.

Results of Using Steroids

Before after steroid results will help you understand what these components actually do to your body. The following are some of the positive results of using steroids.

Muscle Growth

The first thing you will observe after steroids is muscle growth. The before after steroid comparison your body will help you find how much muscle you have gained. Adding muscles is basically the primary purpose of all steroids. The amount of muscles you gain will depend upon the nature of the supplement.

For example, some steroids can add up to 10 pounds of pure muscle mass within 6 to 8 weeks. On the other hand, some can add only 2 or 3 pounds of lean muscles. Usually, bulking supplements add more muscles as they are specifically used to get a big muscular body.

Fat Loss

You will experience fat loss as well when taking steroids. You will get this result when using cutting supplements. They have the ability to boost metabolic activities in your body, ensuring you burn fat at a rapid pace. It’s the primary reason behind the use of cutting steroids before competitions.

Some bulking steroids may also help you reduce body fat percentage. However, it happens rarely as you have to take extra calories when in bulk. You can experiment with fat loss and muscle gain at the same time, especially when using Winstrol and Testosterone Enanthate.

Increased RBCs

You will experience a rise in red blood cell count after using steroids. This after-result is associated with almost all steroids. They increase RBCs so that they can deliver more oxygen to your muscles and help them grow. Red blood cells carry oxygen and transfer it to every tissue and cell in your body.

When their count is high, your muscles will receive more oxygen and other nutrients. As a result, you can perform better when working out in the gym. You will be able to do more reps and sets as your muscles are a good amount of nutrients and oxygen.

Boost Recovery

When you work out in the gym, you strain your muscles and break fibers. As a result, you experience pain in your muscles. These muscle fibers then recover and develop into bigger and stronger ones, making your muscles look bigger. When on steroids, you will experience the recovery time is reduced.

All steroids boost the recovery process, as this is how they help you grow your muscles. They boost protein synthesis, which helps in muscle recovery. Cortisol can damage muscles and don’t let them recover quickly. Anabolic steroids help in controlling it to boost recovery. You may experience quick recovery from injuries upon using steroids.

Effect on Appetite

Steroids affect your appetite as well. This after-result depends upon the type of steroid you are taking. If you are consuming bulking supplements, your appetite will increase. It happens because you have to eat more to grow bigger muscles. It enables you to eat extra meals every day easily.

On the other side of the spectrum, when you are taking cutting steroids, you will experience a decrease in your appetite. It helps you maintain a calorie-deficit diet and burn fat rapidly.

Muscle Definition

When you take steroids, you experience improved muscle definition. You can experience it after taking both cutting and bulking steroids. However, cutting steroids offers more obvious results. They reduce the body fat percentage.

Furthermore, the fat layers present under the skin are removed by using steroids. As a result, your muscles become well-defined. It improves your physical appearance as well. Therefore, bodybuilders use them before competition to put their muscles on display.

Improved Performance

The use of steroids results in improved overall performance. Whether you are a professional athlete or a sportsperson, you will be able to do better after using steroids. Firstly, they reduce body fat percentage, making you more agile and active. Secondly, they improve your stamina, ensuring you can work without getting tired. You can experience it when working out in the gym.

Thirdly, they boost your energy levels, allowing you to do any task with full potential. You will feel more energized and motivated. Fourthly, they strengthen your muscles and add to your flexibility, mitigating the risk of injuries when you work out in the gym. All these things combine to boost your overall performance.

Increased Strength

When you take steroids, you don’t get muscles only but real strength as well. You can experience this strength during your daily routine. You will be able to lift heavy weights quite easily. Furthermore, this strength doesn’t let you get tired too early, ensuring you give your best when doing any work. Steroids enhance muscle flexibility, joint mobility, and increased bone density, which are the primary reasons for improved strength.

Boost Confidence

Taking steroids for bodybuilding purposes will boost your confidence as well. They help you get your desired body shape within a short duration. When you have a perfect body, your confidence will automatically boost. Furthermore, added strength and enhanced performance will also boost your confidence.

Negative After-Results of Using Steroids

Just like any other drug, steroids have some negative impacts as well. However, most of them are associated with their abuse for a long time. The following are some major negative effects of using steroids.


When you use a drug for a long time, you get addicted to it. The same happens when you use steroids. You start feeling that you cannot do your daily chores without consuming supplements. However, if you take them in the form of cycles and stick to the suggested dosage, you will not develop an addiction. Taking breaks between the cycles will also help in this regard.

Legal Issues

The use of steroids for non-medical purposes is inhibited in almost all parts of the world. Therefore, you can face some legal issues, especially when buying supplements. To mitigate this risk, you should order steroids from UGFreak, a reputable steroid-selling store. We will deliver supplements in discreet packaging, ensuring no one gets an idea of what’s inside the package.

Sudden Reduce in Muscle Mass

You can usually experience this result after the completion of the bulking cycle when you stop taking supplements. However, it’s not a negative impact at all. Some bulking steroids lead to water retention in your muscles, which makes them look bigger. When you stop using them, the retained water is removed from your muscles, and you think your muscles are decreasing in size. But, in fact, your

Side Effects

You can experience some side effects as well. They will differ in males and females. The most common side effects are hair loss, acne, oily skin, etc. However, these are mainly because of abuse. You will not experience any side effects when you don’t abuse or overdose on them.

Do Men and Women Experience the Same After Results?

The direct and simplest answer to this question is NO. Changes caused by steroids before and after in females differ as compared to males. It’s mainly because of the difference in their hormones and body mechanisms. The extent of muscle gain will be less in females than males as testosterone levels are naturally very low in females.

Similarly, the extent of fat loss and physical experience will also be lower in females. However, females don’t have to put a lot of effort into maintaining their physical appearance as they mainly have to focus on reducing body fat percentage. Strength and endurance levels in females will increase up to a limited extent as their muscles and bones are relatively weaker than males.

The side effects in females will also differ from those in males. Females usually experience the development of male characteristics upon abusing steroids. They can observe changes in their voice and facial hair growth. Similarly, they can experience more severe side effects upon abusing steroids as their tolerance is less than that of males. Women steroids before and after results also differ as they have to take relatively less amount of supplements.

Special Note: The aforementioned after-results may vary from person to person. The intensity or extent of results will be different for different supplements. You will experience results based on the nature of the active component present in it. Your workout routine, diet, and quality of steroids will also impact the results.

Effective Strategies to Avoid Negative After-Results

You can adopt the following strategies to mitigate the risk of negative outcomes, especially side effects, when using steroids.

Buy Authentic Supplements

Always buy original supplements, as fake products can lead to severe side effects. You should order them from UGFreak, a trusted online store delivering 100% original products. We aim to provide quality supplements to users across the globe. The best part is that we offer affordable rates and discreet packaging. You can also get amazing discounts when ordering supplements from our store.

Stick to the Cycle

The next strategy you need to adopt is sticking to the cycle. Never abuse steroids, as it will lead to severe side effects and addiction. Following the cycle, managing per-day dosage, and taking breaks between the cycles will help avoid any negative results.

Opt for PCT

After completing any steroid cycle, you must opt for post-cycle therapy. It will regulate the hormone levels in your body to mitigate the risk of side effects. Apart from that, it helps maintain the gap between cycles.

Bottom Line

After going through the aforementioned results, you are now fully aware of the changes you can experience after using steroids. We have also guided you on how you can avoid negative outcomes. Now, it’s time to order your supplements from UGFreak and start your bodybuilding journey.