Understanding the Science Behind Building Muscles
28 Sep

Understanding the Science Behind Building Muscles

Were you scrolling through blogs and doing your research on gaining muscles. Are you inspired by reading all that material? Good for you! But what if you don’t want to spend 1 to 2 years of your life in the gym to get the results you desire? If that’s you, you are in luck today. We are here to explain to you the science behind gaining muscles within 4 to 6 months. So, let’s walk through this journey together. 

How Much Muscle Can I Gain?

To get started, you must develop realistic expectations. This will prevent you from disappointment later on.  The total size of a person can naturally reach depends on how large their skeleton is. If you have broad shoulders with thick ankles and wrists, you can gain 7.5 cm in arm size by working out for a long time.

On the other hand, if you are smaller than 5’4 inches and have narrow hips, it will take you a lot more time to build muscles. It may also take a decade of hard work to get muscular than your actual frame. 

Steroids and Muscle Building

You must be curious about how Hollywood heroes get so huge. Most of them, at some point in their life, use steroids, HGH, or insulin. Let’s be honest, it is unrealistic to transform into Thor within a year when you have an average body. Those with broad natural frames don’t have to rely on steroids much. 

Steroids are not just famous among celebs but bodybuilders as well. Although contestants are not permitted to use steroids, some users still consume them. Bodybuilders have the thick torso and broad shoulders. These men have to put a lot of years to achieve an acceptable physique. 

Bodybuilders and celebrities aside, if you are skinny and need some boost, steroids are the way to build muscles. Some people even take them for enhancing their performance and for shedding fat. 

How Long Does It Take to Build Muscles?

Depending on the workout plan, beginners can see noticeable growth in muscles within eight weeks of starting a strength training program. If you are an experienced lifter, it may just take you 3 to 4 weeks to gain muscles. The growth will be noticeable in arms and other areas that carry less fat.

Competitive bodybuilders are able to see a muscle growth of 2 to 3 pounds per month 

Whether you are a beginner or a professional, there will become a point when muscle building becomes difficult. This is the endpoint of our genetic potential. The longer you train, the closer you get to your natural potential. That’s why you need to be more specific with your training and nutrition. Weekly progress will become much smaller than what it initially was. 

Muscle Building and Protein 

Truth be told, you need a lot less protein than what’s advised here and there. You need to stick to a simple formula for calculating your daily requirement. Multiply your weight in pounds by 0.8 for getting the daily requirement for protein in grams. Let’s say you weigh 150 pounds. Then your protein consumption should be 120 grams. 

You already get protein from most meals. All you have to do is check the nutrition labels on the food you are consuming to see how many grams of proteins you are consuming. For instance, 7 ounces of steak or salmon contains 40 grams of protein. A can of lentils contains 30 grams of protein, and a skinless chicken breast contains 30 grams of protein. 

It’s already consuming all the protein your body needs through meals. That’s when protein powder comes into play. Let’s say you are taken 60% protein from food. The remaining percentage should be confused from protein powder. 

Also, let’s say one day you have reached daily’s protein target through the meal. You are still going to need protein powder because it’s packed with protein and other nutrition like amino acids. 

The great thing about protein powder is that only a few scoops are required to create a protein shake that tastes great.

Don’t Compromise On Your Sleep!

The bad news is stress easily kills all muscle gains. When you are stressed, the body releases catabolic hormones like cortisol. This hormone can put a brake on your muscle growth. In other words, stress can be a progress killer. Missed meals, stressful work environment, arguments at home, and lack of sleep can contribute to stress and waste all the hard work you are putting into building muscles. 

Therefore, it’s essential that you get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night. To handle stress around you, meditate. Keep your stress level maintained. Get in a spa once every two weeks to get a massage. This will largely bring down the tension and help you relax. 

What If You Are Stronger But Not Bigger?

When trying to build muscles and gain, many people complain that they are stronger than before but are not bigger. Does it mean they need to do more weight lifting? The answer is no! If you do, you may overwork your muscles and cause them to shrink.

Here are some tips that you must follow:

If you have already switched to a different plan, wait for a few months because it can take several weeks to get huge. Your muscle growth won’t be as significant as it was when you first started the original plan.

Nevertheless, don’t try to overwork your body. Stick to the right regimen and work with a trainer to develop a program tailored to your needs.

See Also:

Buy Injectable Steroids Online

The Good and Bad of Taking Steroids
