TRT linked to higher odds of prostate cancer? Quite the contrary!
22 May

TRT linked to higher odds of prostate cancer? Quite the contrary!

For decades, doctors have brainwashed us about the detrimental dangers of testosterone replacement therapy. could they have been completely incorrect trying to spread these unsubstantiated fears?

The warning about TRT possibly causing prostate cancer and the need for frequent, humiliating exams possibly made all the worse because of a freakishly long index finger with knuckles the size of hambones considered a "must" for TRT patients.

That intimidating speech is the repercussion of the work of two researchers from the 1940s who noticed that patients with metastatic prostate cancer lived a bit longer than expected when they were castrated.

This led them – and several generations of doctors that succeeded them – to assume it was testosterone itself the evil that promoted prostate cancer.

The aforementioned  assumption was based on ONE guy with metastatic cancer who lived longer than he was supposed to because he was castrated. Talk about a paucity of data! Talk about a small sampling size!

Heck, a friend of mine died from a heart attack a few hours after eating a bowl of Cheerios. You don't see me warning the whole world that cheerios cause heart attacks, right?

Anyhow, luckily far fewer docs are now furrowing their brows over the utterly lame alleged connection between TRT and prostate cancer. The studies just don't back it up at all.

Furthermore, a new study based on information from a very large U.S. commercial insurance research database – found that not only does TRT not correlate with new cases of prostate cancer in any way, it appears it might actually prevent them!

The researchers looked at 189,491 men between the ages of 40 and 60. Men who had received the greatest number of testosterone injections (more than 12) were 33% less likely to have developed prostate cancer than men who had received the fewest number of injections.


Clearly, this study suggests that testosterone replacement therapy, at least at clinically accepted levels (no more than 200-300 mg. a week), doesn't increase the risk of prostate cancer. In fact, based on the numbers presented, it looks like it actually wards off prostate cancer.

However, as much as I'd like to wholly embrace these findings and sleep better at night, I realize that they may be influenced by possible confounding factors, which is statistics-ese for factors that may mask an actual association, or falsely demonstrate an apparent association where none exists.

Still, these number look pretty damn comforting, especially when matched up with a number of other reports, including another insurance database study that had the exact same findings.The jury may still be out on whether insanely high  doses of testosterone can cause prostate issue but 10 or 11 of the 12 angry men look like they're ready to acquit.
