Para Pharma Bulk
Manufactured by Para Pharma, T3 is a synthetic form of Triiodotironin, commonly known as Liothyronin Sodium. It is a thyroid hormone that the body produces naturally. It is available in bulk, 10x100 tabs (25 mcg/tab) packaging. This drug was first being used by health care professionals for treating various diseases including hypothyroidism and myxedema coma. Despite that, bodybuilders and professional athletes are successfully using this drug to improve their physique and enhance their performance. Since, T3 works at the cellular level by increasing the process of breaking down protein, carbs, and fats, it provides an instant boost of stamina and power to help bodybuilders perform better during their training sessions. Essential, T3 is known as the fat-burning steroid and is commonly used during the cutting cycle.
Following are the effective benefits of T3 during the cutting cycle:
Lean Muscle Mass
The half-life of 2 days
Boosts the Process of Thermogenesis
Prompts Lipolysis Effect
Increased Metabolism
Increased Heart Rate and Blood Flow
Excellent Fat Burner
This drug is essentially for professional athletes and it is essential to calculate body fat and then plan their suitable dosage to a maximum of 25mcg per day. However, if a lot of fat needs to be shredded then the dosage can be adjusted between 50 to 75mcg per day. It is important to keep in mind that the dosage must not cross 100mcg per day as it can result in severe side effects therefore, post-cycle therapy must be started right after the cycle ends.
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