Para Pharma Bulk
Cialis is available in 20mg per tab, 10x50 tablet packaging, manufactured by Para Pharma. It is beneficial for bodybuilders and athletes because it is known to increase blood flow to certain areas of the body which helps in boosting stamina to lift weights. It also aids and stimulates muscle growth and expansion. Primarily, it was used for clinical purposes for the treatment of erectile dysfunction and symptoms of benign prostatic hypertrophy. Coming back to its common use, this drug can improve the quality of lean muscle mass and burn fat.
Although it is misunderstood as the same drug as Viagra which is completely false, Cialis offers some benefits on top of treating erectile dysfunction in males. Both the drugs are different in composition and they have different ways of reacting in the body. Their recommended dosage is also different which makes them very much different. However, bodybuilders pick Cialis to improve their erectile dysfunction because of its other added benefits which help their bodybuilding regimen. Those benefits are:
Improved sexual performance
Reduced inflammation in the body
Improved blood flow
Improved testosterone and estrogen ratio
Fuels energy for workouts
Regulates a good blood pressure for those who experience highs and lows
The recommended dosage for Cialis is 10mg daily and 20mg daily for the users who are taking it to fight the side effects of anabolic steroids such as erectile dysfunction. It is highly prohibited to take higher dosages of this drug. The users can divide the dosage as 20mg every second day just in case the dose seems heavier for them.
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